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What is the difference between sugaring hair loss and wax hair loss?

What is the difference between sugaring hair loss and wax hair loss?

Most frequently asked questions by customers We will answer the question
"What is Sugaring Hair Loss? Why is it recommended?"

1. How about waxing hair loss in the first place?

"Wax hair removal is a process of removing the hair from the roots by treating them by bringing them into contact with waste hair and wax.

It can process from downy hair to thick hair.
Because it is pulled out from the root of the hair, wax hair removal can keep slick skin longer when compared to hair removal such as razors.
Because there is no hair section, it looks beautiful. "

In this way, wax hair removal is different from light hair removal and laser hair removal,
and it is characterized by its ability to become skin on the day you visit us ♪

2. What is sugaring hair loss?
Sugaring hair removal is different from regular Brazilian wax in terms of "material" and "hair removal method".

For sugaring depilation, sugar paste containing sugar, lemon and water as the main ingredients is used.

In addition, because it is treated using the sugar paste, I need some tips for the procedure with ordinary Brazilian wax!

In Maris Gina, which has been introduced sugaring hair loss in Japan immediately after coming in, all staff wears its tips so customers are welcome to visit us with peace of mind ♪

3. What is Sugaring Hair Loss? ?
Sugaring hair loss is different from wax hair loss
■ Not hot!
■ There is little burden on the skin!
■ We can remove hair with short hair!

There are many attractions such as ♪
In particular, those who want to clean their hair while protecting their skin and Very recommended for those who want to do hair loss of VIO · face

☆ If you are concerned, please try Maris Gina's sugaring hair removal once by all means ♪