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How Long Does A Brazilian Wax Last

Brazilian waxing is an intimate hair removal technique that is used for removing all the hair around pubic area. This type of hair removal technique allows men and women to comfortably wear their swimwear. Brazilian wax gets rid of all unwanted hair that can be very embarrassing.

It has become the most popular style in terms of waxing because it is very effective and lasts for a good time. In a normal case, Brazilian wax lasts for a period of up to three and six weeks before the hair can start growing. This article will highlight some of the major factors that determine how long a Brazilian wax lasts.

First Timers

The smallest appearance of stubble can only be seen after 2-3 weeks for those that usually get this type of waxing. The area can stay very smooth and soft for up to six weeks but things are quite different for first-timers. For those that have stayed for long without waxing and first-timers, it only takes eight days before the appearance of some tiny stubble. This happens because waxing is done when some hair is under the skin. The hair that might have been under the skin starts appearing after some days.

Waxing Regularity

The hair is normally pulled from their follicles by the esthetician every time you go for waxing and this determines how long the waxing lasts. Follicles take a longer time to give the replacements when you wax regularly. It takes up to eight weeks for some people to grow hair after several waxing while others do not grow hair after several waxing.