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Nous recommandons le SHR pour ...

Nous recommandons le SHR pour ...

Avez-vous entendu de l'épilation au laser "SHR" devenu très populaire?
Vous vous demandez peut-être si c'est bon pour vous.
Donc, nous allons vous dire à qui le SHR est adapté!

- Ceux d'entre vous qui veulent une épilation rapide : Oui, l'épilation SHR est très rapide.

- Ceux qui travaillent beaucoup peuvent ne pas être en mesure de revenir pour une séance de suivi.

Nous ne pouvons pas dire que le traitement est bon marché, mais il est considéré comme le meilleur.

Beaucoup d'entre vous veulent une peau lisse, sans poils juste avant le mariage, les voyages, ou avant d'aller à la plage!

Donc, le SHR est adapté pour ceux qui veulent obtenir une belle peau, rapidement.

- Peaux foncées à peaux tachetées et claires :

Nous recommandons l'épilation SHR à ceux qui sont bronzés ou avec la peau tachetée.

Tous les prélèvements des poils par le laser "habituel" ciblent la mélanine des cheveux, des poils.

Ainsi, naturellement, il réagi aux peaux foncées et aux peaux tachetées causant des dommages inutiles et des douleurs.

Le SHR ne réagit pas à la mélanine, il est donc recommandé à tous les types de peau.

- Ceux qui veulent un traitement sans douleur :

Vous souhaitez une épilationde définitive mais vous vous sentez un peu hésitant à faire la première démarche. Vous avez peut-être entendu dire que c'est douloureux et dommageable pour la peau.
Nous avons remarqué que beaucoup de questions sur Internet concernait la douleur du au laser.

Le nouveau et innovant tritement "SHR" a complètement réduit la douleur de l'épilation. C'est simplement comme une pierre chaude placée sur votre corps. Nous recommandons fortement le SHR à ceux qui souhaitent un traitement sans douleur.

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


Quel est le résultat de l'épilation laser SHR?

Quel est le résultat de l'épilation laser SHR?

Il semble y avoir de nombreux avantages à la nouvelle épilationappelée SHR par rapport à tous les traitement d'épilation au laser connu jusqu'à maintenant!
Voyons donc les avantages du nouveau système d'épilation laser SHR.

Tout d'abord, le traitement SHR est rapide.

Contrairement aux traitements précédents d'épilation au laser, le laser SHR a une température d'irradiation plus faible, et peut cibler environ 6 coups par seconde.
Cela fait environ 1000 poils enlevés en 10 secondes!

En outre, avec le SHR, vous n'avez pas à attendre que votre cycle de poils repoussent, et vous pouvez refaire vos séances chaque mois!
C'est parfait pour toutes les personnes occupées!

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


Home made scrub for christmas gift in Tokyo

♪ Home Made Body Scrub ♪

# Sugar scrub with lemon and raspberry #
Also popular for gifts ♪!
Preparation: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 1 minute
2 to 3 servings

~ Material ~
1/4 c. Coconut oil
3/4 - 1 c. White sugar
2-4 Yellow or red food coloring (as you like)
10-15 drops of lemon oil, or 10-15 drops of raspberry or vanilla extract, (as you like)

~ How to make ~

Melt coconut oil in microwave for 20 - 35 seconds
Mix sugar with oil. If you have too much liquid, add sugar
Add your favorite food coloring
Mix essential oil and extract (your favorite scent)

~ Lemon Raspberry uses 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 10 drops of raspberry essential oil
Put it in a container.

Super easy Easy to scrub for 2 ~ 3 ♪

Please double the amount for gifts 


Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


Brazilian wax, the effects

What are the possible side effects of Brazilian waxing?

Brazilian waxing is a method used to remove coarse and unwanted hair from the pubic area. Brazilian wax usually gets less painful over time and also becomes less painful. When removing hair from the bikini regions of the body, you should first of all have prior knowledge on the safety of going through such a procedure and also how to maintain the sensitive skin that results from waxing. Brazilian waxing can be performed if you are comfortable with showing the intimate parts of your body and can be carried out either in a beauty salon or at your home.

however, this procedure can turn out to be harmful especially if you do not consult a professional. The waxing removes hair from the genital area and also in the buttocks. Some of the Brazilian wax side effects known are discussed below.

Ingrown hairs

Such hairs pop up after different hair removal methods with shaving being the major cause. Waxing will not completely uproot the hair follicle and the result would be popping up of ingrown hairs. However, you can avoid this by prepping your skin correctly and taking good care of it after waxing.


immediately after waxing your skin will look even and soft but some hours later, red bumps start to appear. This is different from ingrown hair since it occurs almost immediately. This is one of the most common side effects that come with Brazilian waxing a couple of hours after the procedure.

Burned skin

Skin around the pubic region is usually very sensitive and after waxing you may realize your skin looks burned or is reddish. This can happen if the wax applied was heated up and applied while still hot. If you notice such a side effect you need to take extra precaution especially when heating the wax or try another method altogether.


You cannot avoid the pain that is felt while the hair is being removed. This is normal because the hair is practically being uprooted or pulled out from the root. The pain becomes bearable with time and when done by a professional.

Inflammation and redness

Inflammation and redness are usually common when performing Brazilian waxing since the area affected is extra sensitive.

In conclusion, Brazilian wax side effects can be minimized if the method is done by an aesthetician who understands it well. It is also advisable that you take care when heating the wax in a pot that does not have a temperature controller. In the event that you notice the mentioned side effects are extreme you should seek immediate medical attention.

Please take good care of your waxed areas!

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


brazililan wax after care Tokyo

Is there anything I should know after I get a wax?

After waxing, your skin is very sensitive. Please avoid baths, tanning, heavy excersise and sex.

If you are taking a shower, please only scrub the waxed areas gently.

Depending on skin type, some people may find that their skin is red and sore. This should ease down in a few hours or a day, but if not, please contact us.

We will give you an explanation on things you should be aware of after your session as well.

Please take good care of your waxed areas!

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


Brazilian wax in Tokyo, the solution !

Is Brazilian waxing remove hair permanently?

Your hair will grow back in a few weeks.

However, with one treatment, you will be able to achieve hairless smooth skin immediately, unlike a laser treatment.

If you are contemplating whether to remove hair permanently, why not try Brazilian waxing first?

With Brazilian waxing, you can change designs, or follow trends and make seasonal changes.

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


Brazilian wax VIP members

Notice to all VIP members!
Receive a 1200yen DISCOUNT for all customers that make an appointment within 2months!
☆Brazilian Wax (Within 2months)
Regular price ¥6,800→  ¥5,600

Use up your wax privileges now, and let's welcome the new coming year with a great feeling start!

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917


How often they should get a Brazilian waxing?

Many people ask us how often they should get a Brazilian waxing.
We recommend getting a wax every 6~8 weeks.
Our customers tells us that once they experience no vaginal hair, it's hard to go back to having hair.
To maintain smoothness and hygiene, we recommend you visit our salon for a treatment within every 2 months.
Our salon offers a 1200yen DISCOUNT for all returning customers with 2 months, making your session only 5600yen!
Make use of our discounts to maintain your hair-free life!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask us.


Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917

Get fabulous skin in an instant!

Get fabulous skin in an instant!

Are you thinking that complete hair removal will take years?

At our salon, with our best equipment, a complete hair removal will take half a year at the shortest!

We can treat baby hair and tanned skin, and are confident that you will be satisfied with your results at our salon, if not at other salons.

Let's get beautiful this year!

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917





ラミーナワックスサロンでは、Summer's Eveクレンジングクロスをご用意しております。


Summer's Eve はアメリカNo1のデリケートゾーンケア専用ブランドです。


是非Summer's Eve Cleansing Cloth もお試しくださいね。

Maris Gina Waxing Salon
[Shibuya Salon], Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Udagawacho 16-8 Shibuya Center Building 9F
[Roppongi Salon] Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 9-1-7 Akasaka Résidentiel 917