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What you can do with Maris Gina's official LINE? Part 3

Continue from Part 2!
Have you already registered Maris Gina's official LINE account?

If you register as a friend, you can use convenient functions, get valuable information, and do all the good things ♪

There are many things you can do with Maris Gina's LINE registration, so I will introduce them separately on the blog ♪

[What you can do with Maris Gina's official LINE? Part 3]

☆ You can consult from the LINE message ☆

How to exfoliate, how to make a mud pack, we will always answer simple questions such as those.

Please enter your question in the message and send it!

The staff will answer your questions!
Please feel free to ask questions from the talk screen!

Since it is not an automatic reply, it may take some time to receive a reply. Please acknowledge it beforehand!

[What you can do with Maris Gina's official LINE? Part 4]

☆ You will receive notifications of great coupons and deals ☆

The content varies depending on the store.
Deals such as date-only reservation deals and discount coupon menus will be delivered to your LINE ☆
You will be notified so it is a convenient way to make a reservation at a very good price!