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Sugaring benefits

Today I will introduce the advantages of sugaring (^ ^) /

● No need for unnecessary hair treatment before treatment
Sugaring are compatible with all hair types.
As 100% natural sugar paste wraps waste hair, we do not ask customers for self-treatment in the facility.

● Very low possibility of contact allergy
Sugar paste doesn't contain fragrances, preservatives, synthetic surfactants, preservatives, etc.
Contains no additives.
Raw materials are sugar / lemon / water only.
Safe treatment for people with weak and sensitive skin and pregnant women

● No damage to keratinocytes due to heat
Use sugar paste at room temperature or below human skin temperature.
If you have ever felt "hot!" with waxing.
Even those who are scared of being hot for the first time can use it with confidence.

● Low risk of skin inflammation
Unlike conventional wax hair removal, sugaring is weak after sticking to the skin, so they are smooth after peeling.
By capturing the hair in the pores, it is possible to clean even short hairs with low adhesiveness.

● It is difficult to see breakouts after treatment
Water-soluble smooth sugar paste is susceptible to resin after the facility
No need for oil cleansing.
It is also suitable for treatment of areas where pimples tend to appear, such as the back.

● Can be repeated in a short time
Treatment is possible again 21 days later due to less cell damage.
We can remove thin hair and the hair will become thinner at a shorter pace than conventional hair removal.
In normal wax hair removal, the treatment is performed with a minimum period of one month to recover the skin.

If you know this, you should try Sugaring, right? (* ^^ *)
We look forward to your visit (^^) /