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Plus one for your usual menu [Sugaring]

The most popular menu at Maris Gina is VIO's Sugaring Hair Removal

Sugaring is a technology that can be used for the whole body, so why not give your usual Bikini menu a plus one?

What people recently add:

● Lower Belly Line
● Buttocks
● Fingers and Hands

There are many customers who include this on the Bikini Menu

Many people are concerned about Bikini Care, around Buttocks and Belly Line

Do you suddenly worry about the hair on your fingers?
Fingers you used while using computer
Fingers you used when writing letters.
Fingers you used when exchanging business cards
If you start worrying, it will not stop.

Although it is a little part, if you use a razor etc., it will grow up soon
Please try Sugaring ☆
You can add other parts
Please feel free to ask (^ _-)-☆

We look forward to your visit.