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M Reasons why you need to continue sugaring during winter

Weather's already changing and we know what's coming... winter!
The end of summer is no reason to stop your hair-removal routine! Many women consider bathing suit season the highest-priority for Sugaring or waxing because most part of our skin are exposed, but regular summer hair-removal shouldn't stop when winter comes. Here's why.

~Reduced Hair Growth

Sugaring removes hair from the root, and every time you sugar, you're hair grows lesser, and the hair will be lighter and finer. Repeated sugaring results in permanent hair loss, but if you give your follicles a chance to recover for half the year you will not experience the same level of reduction. By continuing to sugar in the winter, you are giving yourself a chance to take care of those stubborn hairs before summer returns.

~Less Pain

It is no secret that removing unwanted hair can be painful. It is important to understand that the more often you sugar, the less painful it will be. Every time you sugar, you are weakening the roots of your hair. Your skin recovers more quickly. New hair growth will come in finer, and will be thinner. Keeping up your waxing routine year round does not give your hair and skin the chance to revert backward.

~Start in Winter and achieve flawless skin on Summer

For those just starting, winter is a perfect opportunity to start. The reason is that it usually takes several sessions before the bumps and irritation from previous shavings are gone. By starting the process in the winter, your skin will be silky smooth and breathtakingly beautiful just in time to show it off when the warm weather arrives.