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What is Sugaring?How is it different from traditional waxing?

Natural hair removal Sugaring

What is Sugaring?

How is it different from traditional waxing?

We often get those questions a lot from customers.

We will answer that question today.

Sugaring is made of 3 ingredients which are sugar, lemon and water.

It is the safest hair removal with the use of sugar paste that you can even eat.

Because it only uses natural materials,
it is gentle on the skin and has a smooth and moisturizing finish which is the effect from sugar.

Sugaring is a water-soluble paste which has less pain (damage) and heat (temperature) than Brazilian waxing.

Since tweezers are not used, this hair removal can achieved both a safe and clean finish.

Sugaring not only eliminates the hair but it also makes the foundation of the skin beautiful!

Please try it once by all means